Why is logo design important?

chloe richardson sits a table with her computer surrounded by books

Why is logo design important?

When starting your small business, one question which is always on business owners’ minds is whether to pay for a logo design. On top of many of the start-up business costs, adding a design service to this list may fall last on the list. But this is why I am here to help educate you on why you might want to add “hire a graphic designer” further up your to do list.

Firstly, let’s get some history on what a logo exactly is. A logo is seen to be a symbol/text that an organisation uses to identify their products, business or service. From supermarket products to visiting your local cafe, everything and anything will have a logo of some description on it. Take a moment to look around you, you will find your computer will feature a logo, your drink bottle, your glasses and even your coffee mug. Branding design is a huge part of marketing and so having a logo is the first step to getting users to identify you to a product or service.

So, why is logo design important?

1. Logo Design establishes your brand identity.

Brand identity is a large part of marketing your business. It influences what customers will engage with your products or service.

2. Logo Design improves brand recognizability

Did you know that if you use colour in your logo, your brand is up to 80% more likely to cause brand retention?

3. Logo Design inspires brand loyalty

Have you ever been to the shops and picked out one product over another just because of the packaging? Packaging design is a great example of how design helps select your target audience but inspires brand loyalty. If you like the product, and the brand has more products across a variety of ranges you are more than likely to support this brand regardless of taste because you trust the brand.

Can I just use Canva to create a logo?

The simple answer is yes you, However, when designing a logo on canvas it doesn’t consider the following:

  • Your target audience

  • A competitor analysis

  • Useabilty (does it work across digital and Print)

The key reason to hire a graphic designer to design your logo is that your supporting a small business but you also are getting something uniquely designed for your business. Your graphic designer has the knowledge and tools you need to promote your brand in a cohesive, consistent and meaningful way. The correct logo design will actively promote your business and draw in your relevant cliental.

Overall, logo design is a key component to gain clients trust and loyalty. It also inspires them to give you a go as it will also attract your target audience.

Have any questions? Get in touch here.

See my logo design portfolio here.


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