Myths: why you don't need to be on every social media platform

People always say to stick to what you know - understand your strengths and weaknesses, if you don’t have anything useful to say, maybe don’t say anything at all... The same philosophy applies to your social media! Putting all of your eggs in all of the baskets might not actually be the most beneficial use of your time, or be the most efficient way to reach the biggest audience. Here’s why being across every social media platform might not be the right strategy for you!

Your time (and money) might be better spent elsewhere.

It’s no secret that being on any social media is time-consuming - not only do you have to create content you then think of something to say about it + throw in some engagement. If you’re more serious about your presence on socials, you will spend time planning content, analysing your old posts to see what has worked best in the past, finding hashtags that suit your content and more. And unfortunately, it’s not a quick 10-minute job! Imagine doing this for not only Instagram but then doing it again for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok, where the audiences are different across each platform and your target audience will differ on them all. What an absolute time management nightmare! And if you’re not the person doing this, you’re most likely spending money on outsourcing the task to a social media manager.

You are much better off reviewing all of your profiles and understanding which is the best suited for you. Maybe you see the best results and the most follower-to-customer conversions from Instagram and TikTok. Maybe just Facebook and LinkedIn are the best for your business type or industry. It’s important for you to understand where your business thrives in the online world, and to make the most of your time and resources to focus on the ones that benefit you and generate leads, not waste your time and money.

Only post when you have something to say

It can often be obvious when businesses or brands are posting content just for the sake of posting. Yes, it’s important to remain active on socials so you are seen by your potential clients and customers, but that doesn’t mean posting for the sake of posting. If you are producing content, you want it to be for a reason and beneficial to you - and for your viewers! It’s especially obvious when the same exact content is posted across each platform.

As we mentioned earlier, the audiences are different from one social media account to another, so what works for one might not work for another. It’s important to understand your audience and to post content that they are most likely to engage with or react to (for example clicking on a call-to-action or saving an informative post). Instead of posting a generic post, wait until you have content of your preferred standard and a smart caption to go with it. Your audience will much prefer a post with substance, otherwise, they are more than likely to hit that unfollow button. Good design is so integral to gaining traffic and engagement on socials. On average, there is a "32% higher revenue for a business that embraces design" as found by Mckensey. Your audience would prefer thought-out and meaningful content that truly represents your business values. Here at CRC, we make sure all our social media packages get in-house designed content that suits your branding to encourage brand recognition.

Tip: Did you generate great content a few months ago? There is no harm in repurposing content. Reshare that informational post!

What if I want to be on every social media platform?

And that’s totally okay! If you’re going to be across every social platform, you want to make sure you have the best social strategy in play. "71% of consumers who have had a good social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others". Designing content, engaging and posting for social media can be a time-consuming endeavour, so you want to be making sure you get it right!

That’s where investing in a social media manager might be the most beneficial course of action for you and your business. Here at CRC, I can help you create a CX-focused social strategy that generates leads. You will save more money by outsourcing a big task like this to a professional, rather than spending all of your time working it out, which could be better spent on other areas of your business or taking care of customers and clients. Alternatively, CRC offers training so you are able to enhance your social media skills in house.

Sometimes it takes a while to acknowledge where your strengths and weaknesses are when running a business, and know when it’s time to outsource the tasks that are more in your weakness category. You will thank yourself for it as soon as you make the jump!

Are you feeling inspired to cut back on a few social media accounts, or maybe even to outsource the task of looking after your socials?! If that’s the case, you’re in the right spot. I specialise in social media management and content creation

If you are interested in knowing more about how I can help grow your business, get in touch with me here. Want a sneak peek at the clients I’ve worked with in the past? Check out some case studies on my Instagram here.


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