2023 Social media image size guide

Remember the good old days when you just posted square photos to Instagram and there was only one size for Pins on Pinterest? With the social media game forever changing, it’s hard enough to keep up with Reels and TikTok without having to worry about having the right sizing for your posts, and them being different for each platform - yikes!

Scroll down to find out the correct social media size guides for social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn. These are your go-to social media platforms so we want to make sure you are utilising them to the best of your ability. With this simple social media size guide, you should be able to easily master the art of the perfect image sizing on your favourite social media platforms! However if you lack the time, or just need a helping hand CRC can help curate customer-driven graphics to suit your social feed.s


Instagram, alongside Facebook (as both are run by the Meta company) always the apps changing on us the most frequently.

Here’s a tip: Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri shares app updates and news as it rolls out and is constantly sharing great tips and tricks on getting the most out of Instagram. Following his Instagram profile is like having an official IG mentor in your feed at all times.

With Instagram now having multiple size options for posts, as well as stories, videos and reels, it can all get slightly confusing. Here are the size dimensions for Instagram as of January 2023:


Facebook is our tried-and-true in the social media game - it’s been reliable from day one and truly changed the atmosphere for digital marketing and advertising. Whilst technically you can post an image of any size to Facebook and it will upload (unlike Instagram or Pinterest), the platform definitely favours particular image sizes. This means that Facebook’s algorithm will be more likely to show your posts to more people if you are using the correct sizing - and always make sure you upload the highest quality photo possible to help you through the algorithm even more.

There are a few sizing options to choose from when posting to your Facebook Business page:


Sizing on Pinterest is one of the trickier ones to master. It’s different to Facebook or LinkedIn, in way where if you don’t have the correct sizing ratios, it won’t allow you to post your content at all. The positive in this is that you are guaranteed to have the correct sizing since there’s no way around it!

Now with Static Pins, Idea Pins, Carousels and Pinterest Ads, Pinterest is coming on board the virtual journey of constantly evolving their platform, as well as their algorithm. Ensuring you have the correct ratio size when creating your content guarantees that none of your work will be cropped out of the post when you upload.

To make sure you are posting quality content, here are the sizing ratios you need to know for Pinterest:


If you are a business owner, entrepreneur or even employee, LinkedIn is the social media platform to be on in the business. It’s often overlooked, but one of the most valuable (and free) tools to utilise in the business industry is this platform. With a similar setup to Facebook, there aren’t too many ways to go wrong when posting on LinkedIn. With generic portrait and landscape content, they do have preferred sizing ratios to ensure you are posting the highest quality content possible.

Here’s a tip: On any social media platform, posting a portrait image allows you to take up more of your audience’s screens for longer. It might take them two-finger scrolls rather than one to go onto the next post, however, this means a longer time they are viewing your content and a higher chance you will catch and hold their attention.

Here are the sizes you need to know when creating content for LinkedIn:

There are many reasons why getting the sizing right for each social media channel is important for your business: it stops your content from looking pixelated or low quality, by using the correct sizing you are more likely to have a higher engagement in the algorithm, it ensures none of your images is getting cropped so your audience can see the full image, and so much more. 

Think you might need some support with your social media and marketing? My marketing support services might be just what your business needs to stand out and succeed. Need some extra help? Schedule a no-obligation call and happy posting!


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