Intelligent and INFLUENTIAL BRANDING DESIGN for small businesses with BIG GOALS.

A boutique branding design agency combining contemporary appeal with curated customer experience.

Imagine having a brand that you feel proud to present to the world.

An authentic brand that deeply resonates with your ideal customers. A brand that helps your business stand out, evolve and grow. 

Now imagine having all the knowledge and tools you need to promote that brand in a cohesive, consistent and meaningful way. 

I’m here to make that happen.

Based in Mebourne, I’m a graphic designer and branding designer who specialises in creating a complete customer experience through bespoke branding, graphic design and marketing. Working with small business owners and start-ups across Australia, I create beautiful brands with strategic substance.  

Together, we’ll untangle the often overwhelming world of brand design and content marketing. By placing the customer experience front and centre, we’ll build relationships with your ideal clients and realise your big business goals.

Our Services

  • woman in purple knit holds would you rather playing card in hands

    Bespoke Branding

    Create a distinctive and authentic brand that resonates with your ideal clients and expedites business growth.

  • Graphic design studio director, Chloe Richardson sits at her computer creating a custom illustration and branding suite for a small business client in Geelong

    Organic social media management

    Strengthen your social media strategy through curated content, analytics and a customer experience lens.

  • Graphic Design

    Graphic Design

    It's not enough to have beautiful branding or a great logo design if your other Marketing collateral doesn’t follow suit!

I’m Chloe. Your marketing consultant, branding designer and customer experience curator.

You could say I stumbled into a career in branding design because I love to make things look pretty. It was only when I immersed myself in the world of CX that I realised that beautiful branding isn’t enough. It needs to be underpinned by a cohesive & intelligent marketing strategy that’s tailored to your audience.

Just name dropping who we HAVE workED with.


CRC is here to create branding design with a Customer experience lens so that your branding is getting seen by your ideal customers!