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Social Media Client Q&A: FOUND

Social Media is a vital part of small business. It has to keep your community engaged and generate leads. I sat down with one of my social media management clients, FOUND to discuss FOUND and why they decided it was time to outsource their social media.

So tell us about FOUND, why did you start?

I created and worked in a small business before moving to Geelong.  It was in the space of contemporary furniture design and production, I always knew I would run a small business again someday. After starting a family and having worked in the kitchen industry for several years in manufacturing, onsite project management and after-sales client-facing support roles for kitchen retailing in check measurement and product ordering, I felt ready to put all my knowledge to the test but wasn't convinced Melbourne was the place to do it. 

I worked alongside a talented designer (Reuben) during this period and we had discussed in detail how the approach to the kitchen sales and retailing industry could be done so much differently the importance of having an honest client focus was essential to ensure referral work.  Anyway, I know this is a bit long-winded, however... I wanted to start FOUND as a point of difference in the industry, somewhere people could get value from start to finish for their complete kitchen renovation.

Kitchens are a significant investment, why should clients invest in you?

We are well aware that kitchens can be big investments and take on each project like it's one of our own as we know this is an opportunity to elevate the space you spend much of your time in. It equally offers a chance to increase the capital growth for your home.  We offer solutions underpinned by our core values of transparency, honesty, service, quality and clear and measurable deliverables.

As creatives we often have to be in the zone to get creative, what helps you get creative?

Clients are one of my main sources of creativity.  Everyone is unique and has their own interpretation of aesthetics, form and function.  Being able to tap into the client’s psyche and derive a solution that ticks all the boxes get me creative. I also subscribe to several industry magazines and forums that highlight the amazing depth of creativity of peers in Australia and abroad within the kitchen and renovation industry.  Platforms like Instagram offer inspiration and encourage me to do better. 

We live in a time where people can see what they want instantly, they can flick on the TV and watch numerous renovation shows and once finished viewing believe they are then equipped to successfully design and renovate their kitchen/office whole house etc. and whilst it's possible it's not nearly as straightforward as it looks.  If you get it right the first time then you are one of the lucky ones.  So this inspires me to be more creative with how I approach a client's expectations versus the real cost (quality, time and money) of achieving those expectations.

We all have favourite projects, is there one you are partially proud of?

All FOUND projects are unique so it's very hard to separate them and say that I am particularly proud of one over another.  The thing that matters the most to me is that the client is getting what we worked together to design and deliver and that on the final handover, we have put a smile on the client’s face.  Consistent positive feedback is the project (if you will) that I am most proud of - it sounds corny - but it's what keeps me going.

You recently engaged CRC to assist in managing your social media, what made you realise your needed assistance?

Social media is way bigger than most people realise, whether they like it or not it is 100% here to stay and will continue to support, drive and grow as a marketing segment.  What is unique about it is the fact that individuals can now see through the 'marketing hype' to those who use social media as a way of connecting with their audience (known and unknown) organically. 

I guess you could say FOUND needed help with understanding this and how to break down what is important to share with our audience in a way that supports who we are and what we are on about.  Whilst we would love to work with everyone, that's not our end goal and nor can everyone afford or want to afford what we offer.  We need to be talking with and working with people who appreciate good design, high-quality craftsmanship and service with open and honest clear communication.

Finding the perfect fit to manage your socials can be difficult, why did you choose CRC?

Wow, Chloe - this is getting serious now! FOUND had initially engaged an agency to help set up the business.  They were amazing and the right fit at the time.  Unfortunately once the pandemic hit (FOUND's 3rd month of trading) marketing was the first cost centre that had to go and the last that was re-engaged.  Obviously, the pandemic was hard-hitting as we all know - fortunately FOUND managed to trade through this period and stay afloat. 

During this time we made some changes to our marketing strategy and having previously worked with you and understanding you had gone out on your own I was intrigued to see what was possible.  I like (and rely on) that you bring a fresh, grounded, affordable, knowledgeable and professional approach to our business. 

You completed a training session with CRC on managing your own socials in-house, what was the biggest tip you learnt?

It was certainly an eye-opener!  The biggest tip was likely that being organised in the social space was an important element of our revised marketing strategy moving forward for FOUND.  Also that I am so glad you have continued to run FOUND's socials rather than me! lol.

In need of kitchen joinery? Head over to FOUND to get in touch.

Need help with your social media?

If your social strategy isn’t as clear as you’d like, or you’re looking for a fresh perspective, you need someone who can approach your business - and its marketing - with a holistic point of view.

And that’s what I do.

I specialise in marketing and social media management with a CX perspective so we can target your ideal clients.

Do you have questions about social media and how to use it to grow your business? Get in touch here.