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Chloe Chats: The Women’s Chiro

In this months Chloe Chats I sit down with Chelsea Swan, the face behind The Women’s Chiro. We chatted all about how she got into the field and how its important that their is further research into Womens health. Let’s dive in!

What was the moment that you decided "let's do this" and start working on your own business?

It was less of a single moment, and more like a slow realisation that it just made the most sense! I started creating a personal brand while still working for someone else, with the intention of creating some online offerings on the side. Over a few years and with some recent life changes, that has eventually lead to starting a bricks-and-mortar, face-to-face business of my own, just this year! 

Tell us more about the preconception playbook

My first online offering - the project that was bouncing around my brain in various forms for years before it launched earlier this year. It's basically everything you need to know to optimise your fertility before you start trying for a baby. The first round launched as a 7 week online course, with 

What made you specialise in this area?

I grew up learning to trust that my body was intelligent, and that it was beautifully designed to thrive in the right environment and with the right support. I didn't realise it at the time, but that is quite a counter cultural philosophy, especially in the field of womens' health and pregnancy. I believe that we cannot separate any aspect of your health from your physiology as a women, and doing so would be a disservice to you. So I made it my mission to integrate my wholistic health background with all that I've learnt about conventional women's health care. I look at everything through the lens of cycling hormones (if that applies) and how we can create alignment in all areas of your life (not just your spine ;) ) 

Seeking wisdom, Your advice for small business owners?

Oh gosh, I don't think I'm the right person to ask. Some things will flop and some things will be a wild success (and you probably won't be able to predict which is which beforehand!). Either way, you'll never know until you try. 

What's the hardest lesson you have learned in your business?

Honestly, the lesson I've had to learn (repeatedly) is that the success of a product or a service or a business idea is not tied to my worth. 

You recently engaged CRC to create your branding, what made you realise CRC was the right fit?

I knew that I wanted to work with someone local, who really understood the vision for my business. Plus, I loved some of her past work! 

Why the Women’s Chiro?

So much of the established literature and research on health has been conducted on men, because the cycling hormones in women were considered an uncontrollable variable. Nevermind the fact that it’s that uncontrollable variable that is the very essence of being a woman and becoming a mother (and that ~50% of the population are women and ~50% of women in Australia have cycling hormones).

The reality is that we cannot separate any aspect of your health from your physiology as a woman, and doing so would be a disservice to you. So, at The Women’s Chiro, we use your period as a regular report card on your health, not looking to cover up your symptoms but to get to the root cause and restore function.

We look at everything through the lens of cycling hormones (if that applies to you) and how we can create alignment in all areas of your life, not just your spine.

Knowing when to hire a branding designer for your project can be hard, but that’s why CRC is here to help educate you on the process. With a range of branding services available, I can help you stand out in your field and attract your target clientele. Head to our branding page to view our services or send us a message via our contact form.

Follow the Women’s Chiro here.